Please either copy and paste the application below to a word document or email to complete and email or mail to the address on the application.
This questionnaire is for the mutual benefit of you, the prospective owner, me as the seller/breeder and the Golden Retriever you plan to have as a member of your family.
It does not constitute a contract on my part to provide you with a puppy, nor does it obligate you to take one.
Your answers to the questions are not the only factor in the determination of your suitability as a Golden Retriever owner.
SWEETLEA GOLDEN RETRIEVERS ◊◊◊ Susan Lee 13 Hawthorne Drive, Medford, NJ 08055 609-257-3516 Email: Website:
Questionnaire for Potential Puppy Buyer Date___________________
How did you learn about us?______________________________________________________________
Why did you decide to purchase a Golden Retriever ___________________________________________
Have you owned a dog(s) before? _____What became of it/them? ________________________________
Does anyone in the family have a job that requires frequent relocation? ____________________________
Do you prefer a male_____ or female_____ puppy? Why? ______________________________________
Why are you planning on purchasing a Golden Retriever? (circle one) Family Pet / Obedience / Show / Field/ Hunting / Breeding/ Therapy Dog / Companion Dog
Do you have children? ________If so, what are their ages? _____________________________________
Do ALL members of the family want a new puppy? ____________________________________________
Do any family members have allergies to dogs? ______________________________________________
Are any family members afraid of large dogs?________________________________________________
Have any family members ever been bitten by a dog? __________________________________________
Are you aware that Golden Retrievers are large dogs (65-85lbs) and that they shed? _________________
Where will the Golden be accommodated during the day:_______________________________________
Will someone be home with the dog during the day or able to get home to potty the puppy? _________________________________________________________________
If no, what kind of arrangements will you be making for the new puppy? ____________________________
Do you have a securely fenced yard? _________________________ A kennel run? _________________
Do you have locks on your gates?_____________________________________________
Do you have a chain link kennel run? _______________________________________________________
Please describe yard size and fencing:_____________________________________________________
Have you ever crate trained a puppy or dog? _______________________________________________
Who will train the puppy?_________________________________________________________________
Who will be primarily responsible for the care of the puppy?______________________________________
Are you willing to spay/neuter this dog? ________ If not, why?___________________________________
Name, Address, Phone number of your veterinarian____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever given a dog to another home or shelter?_______If, so why?_________________________
How would you describe your lifestyle as a family? ____________________________________________
What type of recreation do you enjoy as a family?_____________________________________________
How do you usually spend your vacations? __________________________________________________
How would the puppy be cared for when you are away? ________________________________________
How would you describe the ideal Golden Temperament? ______________________________________
Is there a particular “look” that you prefer (size, color, structure)? _________________________________
Are you willing to maintain contact with Sweet ea Golden Retrievers throughout your puppy’s life regarding personality development, training, health problems, and sharing photos if possible? __________